
m68k emulator infrastructure

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Defined in header <momiji/System.h>

Creates a view of the memory of a running momiji::System instance.

inline momiji::ExecutableMemoryView make_memory_view(momiji::System& sys) (1)
inline momiji::ConstExecutableMemoryView make_memory_view(const momiji::System& sys) (2)
Creates a view of the memory of a running System instance.
  1. Creates a span of memory from a modifiable system. This is useful to modify memory that does not need to expand itself.
    • momiji::System& sys : The modifiable system instance.
    Returns: A modifiable view of the memory of the system.
  2. Creates a view of the memory from an immutable system. This is useful to obtain a read-only view of memory.
    • const momiji::System& sys : The immutable system instance.
    Returns: A read-only view of the memory of the system.