
m68k emulator infrastructure

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Defined in header <momiji/Parser.h>

struct ParserSettings

A struct representing settings for the parser

Member fields

Field Type Notes Default value


A span of breakpoints to be passed to the Parser

A gsl::span is a view over contiguous memory, it expects the memory to be allocated elsewhere. It essentially wraps a pointer + size. A gsl::span doesn’t cleanup the resources.


// Creates two breakpoints
std::array<momiji::Breakpoint, 2> breakpoints = {
    { 10 }, // line 10
    { 2 }, // line 2

ParserSettings settings;
// Initializes the span
settings.breakpoints = {, breakpoints.size() };

auto res = momiji::parse("...", settings);

Using a vector:

// Creates two breakpoints
std::vector<momiji::Breakpoint> breakpoints = {
    { 10 }, // line 10
    { 2 }, // line 2

ParserSettings settings;
// Initializes the span
settings.breakpoints = {, breakpoints.size() };

auto res = momiji::parse("...", settings);


I didn’t want to force a specific type for holding a simple view of the breakpoints. Using directly a std::vector would imply that one could only use the default allocator and only allocate dynamically. A pointer + size (span) is a better approach for just a view.