
m68k emulator infrastructure

About Source code

Table of contents


Component dedicated to compiling a valid piece of code to an executable binary.

This component allows the user to compile the output of the parser (momiji::ParsingInfo) to an emulator-specific binary file.

The binary file generated is a blob of executable memory and, if needed, a data section is included for variable declarations. Both of these sections are delimited by markers, please refer to momiji::Memory for more information about them.

The generated executable does not contain any metadata about where each of the sections begin and end, that functionality will be added soon.


Basic usage example

auto res = momiji::parse(/* ... */);

if (!res) { /* ... */ }

auto parsingInfo = *res;

momiji::ExecutableMemory compiledBinary = momiji::compile(parsingInfo);



A class representing settings for the compiler.

Free functions


Compiles the result of the parser to an executable program.